




"Kawara-Ketsumei (カワラケツメイ)" plants are in bloom. They belong to the leguminous plants that grow on sunny grass fields. Their flowers have the five petals that are all the same shape and size, which is not typical for the leguminous plants. The name comes from the fact that they grow on riversides and have the same medical effect as those of "Ketsumei (ケツメイ)," the plants that originally come from China.




"Tsurubo (ツルボ)" plants are in bloom. They are the perennial plants that have bulbs underground. They have a characteristic that they spread their leaves both in the spring and fall. The leaves spread in the spring will die in the summer. Their colonies are sometimes seen in the places where the grass is mowed in the summer because they can leaf out and bloom after other plants have been cut.




"Otokoeshi (オトコエシ)" plants are in bloom. They are the perennial plants that grow in well-lighted places such as grass fields. The name comes from the fact that they have masculine characteristics such as bigger stems and leaves and much hair compared to "Ominaeshi (オミナエシ)", which belongs to the same group and is listed as one of the seven fall harbs "Akino-Nanakusa (秋の七草)".




"Hekuso-Kazura (ヘクソカズラ)" plants are in bloom. The name comes from the fact that they smell bad when you rub their leaves. They have a few aliases. One is "Yaito-Bana (ヤイトバナ)" because the red part on the center of their flower looks like a moxibustion mark. Another name is "Saotome-Bana (サオトメバナ)" because their flower looks like a traditional hat that a woman planting rice wears.





"Tsuyukusa (ツユクサ)" plants are in bloom. They are familiar plants as a teaching material for science experiments. Their flower has six stamens that consist of three short ones, two long ones and a middle one. Only long ones can produce pollen.




"Otogiri-Sou (オトギリソウ)" plants are in bloom.  They are a perennial plant that grows in grass fields and has been known as a medicinal herb  since ancient times. The name comes from a scary folklore in which a falconer furiously cut his brother down and killed him because his brother revealed the secret that he used this plant as a medicinal herb for falcons.




"Ainae (アイナエ)" plants are in bloom. They are an annual plant that grows in lawns. They have their leaves clustered just up to a few centimeters from the ground. The population of this species is decreasing because of the deceased habitats. The Oak Hill is a suitable place to live for them as the lawn is mowed regularly.




The fruits of the "Tsuchi-Akebi (ツチアケビ)" plants have turned red. The name comes from the fact that the fruits look like the fruits of "Akebi (アケビ)" plants. The fruit contains many seeds, which are relatively large for a member of the orchid family.The fruit has been used medicinally since ancient times.




"Inu-Zanshou (イヌザンショウ)" trees are in bloom. They look like a spice tree called "Sanshou (サンショウ)," but they don't smell good so they are not used as a spice. While "Sanshou" trees bloom in spring, "Inu-Zanshou" trees bloom in summer.




"Murasaki-Nigana" plants are in bloom. They are perennial plants of the Asteraceae family that grow in woodlands and forest margins in hilly to mountainous areas. As the name suggests, they bear around 1 cm purple flowers facing downward.