




"Oo-Kijinoo (オオキジノオ)" fern plants are found on the edge of the Japanese cypress woodland. They are a fern plant that grows in the forests in warm climates. They look like the relative species called "Kijinoo-Shida", but they grow larger and their pinnae of sterile fronds have stalks.




"Kijinoo-Shida (キジノオシダ)" fern plants are found on the edge of the Japanese cypress woodland. They are a fern plant that grows in the forests in warm climates. There are two types of leaves in shape. One that bears spores, which are called fertile fronds, and the others that don't bear spores, which are called sterile fronds. The one in the photo is a sterile frond. The name comes from the shape of its fronds, which resemble a pheasant’s tail feathers.




"Kuriharan (クリハラン)" fern plants are found on the edge of the Japanese cypress woodland. They are the fern plants that grow on the moist rocks in the forest or the forest floor. The leaves are unbroken so they don't look like fern plants. The name comes from the fact that their leaves look like the ones of chestnut trees.




"Iwagane Zenmai (イワガネゼンマイ)" fern plants are found on the edge of the Japanese cypress woodland. They are a large fern plant. They are a relative species to the "Iwaganesou," which I posted in my last diary and they look alike.  "Iwagane Zenmai" fern plants are characterized by the abrupt pointiness of the tips of the feather fragments and also by the fact that the veins of the feather fragments do not form a braided pattern.




"Iwaganesou (イワガネソウ)" fern plants are found in the Japanese cypress woodland. They are the large fern plants that have shiny deep green leaves. They bear the sori along their leaf veins. The name comes from the fact that they grow around rocks.




"Amakusa-Shida (アマクサシダ)" fern plants are found in the bamboo forest. While the undersides of their pinnae are wide, the upper sides of their pinnae are narrow, so they look like the wings of birds. Their sorus is on the edge of their pinnules. The name comes from the city Amakusa, Kumamoto, but they are widely distributed on the Pacific Ocean side west of the Kanto region.




"Ryoumen-Shida (リョウメンシダ)" fern plants are found in the Japanese cypress woodland. The name comes from the fact that the front and the back of their leaves without sori look alike.  Their sorus is covered with the large round-kidney-shaped indusium.




The "Shin-Teppouyuri (シンテッポウユリ)" plant is in bloom. They are the garden varieties derived from the hybrid of "Takasagoyuri (タカサゴユリ)" and "Teppouyuri." The ones that became feral bloom everywhere, such as on roadsides. Their flowering season is summer, but some of them occasionally bloom even in winter.




"Nachisida (ナチシダ)" plants are found on campus. They are a large evergreen fern plant and spread their leaves in pentagon-shape. They prefer warm places. One of their habitats, Kawazu, Shizuoka, was designated as a national nature treasure in 1953 because it is regarded as "the northern limit of natural growth.” These days they are found further north and the number of them on campus seems to be gradually increasing.




"Horashinobu (ホラシノブ)" plants are turning to reddish colors. They are an evergreen fern plant that grows on  sunny cliffs. They densely grow their leaves, which turn to reddish colors in winter.  They bear their sporangia clusters on the tip of their leaves.