




"Yamayuri (ヤマユリ)" plants are in bloom. They are wild lilies with strong fragrance that are an endemic species to Japan. They are commonly seen on the edge of forests, but unexpectedly, it's difficult to grow them in gardens.




"Hime-Yaburan (ヒメヤブラン)" plants are in bloom. They spread by developing their underground stems and grow in cluster on grass fields. They are not outstanding in the grass, but they bear cute purple flowers.




"Utsubo-Gusa (ウツボグサ)" plants are in bloom. They are perennial plants that grow in grass fields and roadsides. The name comes from the fact that their flower spikes look like the boxes for storing traditional bows and arrows called "Utubo (靭)."




"Kouzorina (コウゾリナ)" plants are in bloom. They are biennial grass belonging to the composite family and commonly seen on grass fields. They have bristles on their whole body and have rough skin. This characteristic reminds people of the shaving beard. So the name comes form the word "shaving" in Japanese.




"Kanabiki-Sou (カナビキソウ)" plants are in bloom. They are perennial plants that grow in sunny grass fields. They are a semi-parasitic plant. While they photosynthesize, some part of their roots become sucker and take nutrition from other plants. It is uncertain where their name comes from. 





"Nawashiro-Ichigo (ナワシロイチゴ)" plants are in bloom. They are a wild berry growing in sunny grass fields. Their red berries are edible. Their flowers are a little bit strange as its pink petals stand upright covering its stamens and pistils.




"Teika-Kazura (テイカカズラ)" trees are in bloom. They are woody vines that climb other trees and bear white fragrant flowers. The name comes from a poet of Kamakura period, "Fujiwara-No-Teika (藤原定家)". People started to call this species "Teika-Kazura", because the plants climbed around the tombstone of Imperial Princess Shikishi, who Teika loved.




"Nejibana (ネジバナ)" plants are in bloom.Many orchids are rare species, but among them "Nejibana" are the most common species, and grow in grass fields and roadsides. However, it's unexpectedly difficult to grow "Nejibana" in gardens because they live together with mycorrhizal fungi just as other orchids do. The name comes from the fact that they bear their flowers in spiral. The direction and strength of the spiral have variation.




"Murasaki-Shikibu (ムラサキシキブ)" trees are in bloom.  They are deciduous shrubs that grow in fields and mountains. They are well known for bearing their beautiful purple fruits in fall, but their purple flowers that bloom in early summer are also beautiful. However, the trees called "Murasaki-Shikibu", which are sold for gardening, are often a relative species "Ko-Murasaki (コムラサキ)" and bear more fruits.




"Dokudami (ドクダミ)" plants are in bloom. They are perennial plants that have unique smell. They grow well even in the shade. They look like they have four white petals, but the white parts in the photo that look like petals are not petals. The white parts are called involucre, which are the leaves looking like flowers that wrap the flowers. The yellow part in the center actually consists of flowers. They are a pistil and three stamens and have no petals or sepals.