





"Mamezuta (マメヅタ)" plants can be found on the cherry blossom tree. They are evergreen fern plants with rounded leaves that don't resemble typical ferns. The leaves that produce spores, known as "fertile fronds", differ from those that don't, called sterile fronds, as the former are long and narrow. The sori covers the back of the fertile fronds.




"Suisen (スイセン)" plants are in bloom. They are the perennial plants of the Amaryllidaceae family that grow in coastal areas. They came to Japan in old times by way of China. There are many cultivated species. The ones in the photo are double-flowered.



高1前のベランダでバイカオウレンが咲いています。本来は針葉樹林の林床などに生える多年草です。日本の植物分類学の父 牧野富太郎博士が幼少のころから好んだ花として知られています。この個体は本校の理科教員が高知県立牧野植物園を訪れた際に購入し、植栽したものです。(牧野富太郎博士についてはこちらの宗教朝礼でも紹介しています。)

A "Baika-Ouren (バイカオウレン)" plant is in bloom on the balcony in front of the 10th-grade classrooms. They originally grow on the floors of coniferous forests. They are known as the plants loved by Dr. Makino Tomitaro, who is regarded as the father of plant taxonomy in Japan. The one in the photo was bought when a science teacher visited the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden and was planted here.




"Onishibari (オニシバリ)" plants are in bloom. They are the deciduous trees that grow in forests. They spread their leaves in winter and fall them in summer, which behaves oppositely to most deciduous trees. Their flowers ordinarily consist of four splitted sepals ( as you can see in the second photo). However, I found a flower that consists of six splitted sepals seen in the first photo. Only that flower was mutated by chance because the others on the same tree have ordinary flowers.




"Oobano-Inomotosou (オオバノイノモトソウ)" fern plants are found in the Japanese cypress woodland. They grow widely, from sunlit stone walls to forests. They bear their sori along the edges of their pinnae. The name comes from the fact that they are larger than the relative species called "Inomotosou (イノモトソウ)".




"Koshida (コシダ)" fern plants are found in the Japanese cypress woodland. They grow on sunny cliffs and forest floors. The leaves repeatedly branch in two ways. The name itself means a small fern plant, which comes from the fact that they are smaller than "Urajiro (ウラジロ)," another fern plant belonging to the same family.




"Inode (イノデ)" fern plants are found in the Japanese cypress woodland. They are the large fern plants that grow up to 1m long. The plants in the Inode group are difficult to be identified because they have many closely related species and their hybrids are easily produced. The keys for identification are the scales on their leaf stalk and the area that their sori are located on.



"Sazanka (サザンカ)" trees are in bloom. While the wild ones bloom single white flowers from October to December, there are many cultivated species that have varieties of colors, the number of petals, and flowering periods. I guess the one in the photo is called "Tachi-Kantsubaki", which is derived from the hybrid of "Sazanka" and "Yabu-Tsubaki (ヤブツバキ)". They bloom red double flowers and are well planted in gardens and parks.