ムラサキシキブが果実をつけています。林や林縁でよく見られるシソ科の落葉低木です。秋に美しい紫色の実をつけます。17世紀後半までミムラサキ(実紫)と呼ばれていましたが、その後、『源氏物語』の作者 紫式部の名をかりてムラサキシキブと呼ばれるようになったようです。
"Murasaki-Shikibu (ムラサキシキブ)" plants are bearing their fruits. They are the deciduous low trees of the Lamiaceae family that grow in woods and on the edges of forests. They bear the beautiful purple fruit. They were called "Mi-Murasaki" until late in the 17th century. Then they came to be called "Murasaki-Shikibu" after "紫式部 (Murasaki-Shikibu)", who is the author of "源氏物語 (The Tale of Genji)".