アンネのバラ Souvenir d'Anne Frank
2011.11.11 Friday
平和と和解を願う人々の手によって日本のたく さんの都市に広がり、その中のいくつかが不二聖心に
The roses named the 'Souvenir d'Anne Frank' blooms near the retreat house in Fuji Sacred Heart. Years after the war, Otto Frank, Anne's father, sent a rose named the 'Souvenir d'Anne Frank' to Japan. First nurtured there by Mr Yamamuro, it now blossoms and grows in the gardens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and many Japanese cities. They were planted by the people who are eager for peace and reconciliation. The roses in Fuji Sacred Heart have their own stories.
今日のことば Today’s words
If God let me live, I shall work in the world and for mankind.
Anne Frank