ハナカタバミ Oxalis
2011.11.10 木曜日
同じグループの花が世界中に800種以上分布しています。光に 反応する性質があり、
The flowers of the cuckooflower blooms at the front gate. The flowers belong to the group named Oxalis in which there are 800 kinds of species. They have a property in response to light, and the flowers are closed during the night. The wood sorrel (Japanese Oxalis) blooming in the green tea plantation of our school has a similar property.
今日のことば Today’s Words
Fifty years have passed. Peter is still one of my dearest friends. For the last 30 or so many years he has made the Orkney Islands his home. This summer I went to ask him for advice on the directions we should take with our woodland research. His words were simple, but I knew exactly what he meant. “Always look for the connections,” he said.