




"Gin-Ran (ギンラン)" plants are in bloom.  They are wild orchids that grow in forests and at forest edges. "Gin-Ran" live in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungus underground, and mycorrhizal fungus live in symbiosis with trees such as the Japanese chestnut oaks. So, the habitat of "Gin-Ran" depends on the symbiotic relationship between the three. However, in many municipalities, they are considered as an endangered species because of the decreasing habitats and the picking the plants for gardening.



 ハンショウヅルが咲いています。林縁に見られるつる植物です。和名は、花の形が小型の釣鐘である半鐘(はんしょう)に似ていることに由来します。学名はClematis japonicaで日本のクレマチスを意味します。

"Hanshou-Zuru (ハンショウヅル)" plants are in bloom. They are a vine plant that grows on the edge of forests. The Japanese name comes from the fact that their flowers look like "Hanshou (ハンショウ)", which means a small hanging bell. Its scientific name "Clematis japonica" means Japanese clematis.




"Tsuri-Bana (ツリバナ)" trees are in bloom. They are deciduous shrubs that grow in mountains. The name means that their flowers bloom hanging on their branches. In fall, they bear bright red fruits that very stand out.




"Kaki-Dooshi (カキドオシ)" plants are in bloom. They are a kind of perennial plant belonging to the mint family and grow on roadsides and the edge of forests. When you rub their leaves, they smell good. The name indicates that they grow vines after flowering and spread over fences.




"Hime-kouzo (ヒメコウゾ)" trees are in bloom. They might not be recognized as flowers at a glance. The spheres with red hair in the photo are the clusters of their flowers and every single red hair is their pistil. "Hime-kouzo" are monoecious, so each tree has both male and female flowers. However, we can’t see male flowers in the photo here. They are deciduous shrubs that are often seen in the edge of forests. Their barks were used for making Japanese paper.




"Houchaku-Sou (ホウチャクソウ)" plants are in bloom. They are common perennial plants that grow in woods. They grow in clusters behind the school building on campus. Their flowers bloom downward and look like hanging bells. Their name comes from the fact that the shape of their flowers looks like a "Houchaku (宝鐸)", which is an ornament hanging on temples.




"Shaga (シャガ)" plants are in bloom. They are perennial plants that grow in woods near human settlement. They are said to have originally come from China a long time ago. Their flowers are one day flowers that start to bloom in the morning and wither in the evening. As they don’t produce seeds though flowers bloom, it is assumed that the plants have spread by underground stems or humans.




"Hana-Ikada (ハナイカダ)" trees are in bloom. They are deciduous shrubs that grow in mountains. They have a unique characteristic that their flowers bloom in the center of their leaves. "Hana-Ikada" trees are dioecious. Some trees bloom only female flowers and the others bloom only male flowers. The female trees normally have one female flower on a leaf and the male trees have a few male flowers on a leaf. The flowers in the photo are male flowers.




"Kusa-Boke (クサボケ)" trees are in bloom on the First Oak Hill. They are deciduous shrubs that grow on sunny grasslands, wooded areas and forest edges. The name comes from the fact that Kusa-Boke trees are similar to a relative species "Boke (ボケ)", which is often planted in gardens, and that they are shorter than Boke. They bear pear-like 3 to 4 cm fruit from summer to spring.




"Hime-Futaba-Ran (ヒメフタバラン)" plants are in bloom in the Japanese cypress woodland. The Japanese name "Futaba-Ran" means orchids having two leaves. Although they are not designated in the Red List of the Ministry by Environment, they are such precious orchids and are considered to be endangered species in many municipalities.